Latests news of January 16, 2022: BME2022 will be cancelled.
Dear Participants,
After many postponements and hoping for a good outcome, we regret to inform you that due to the extension of the Covid-19 measures, the organization has decided to cancel the extra edition of the BME conferences on January 27 & 28, 2022. Due to the measures, we and Hotel Zuiderduin cannot offer you what you paid for.
The conference fee minus € 13,25 administration costs will be refunded to you or your organization within a few weeks.
Of course there will be a next BME conference. Block your calendar for the 9th edition on January 26 & 27, 2023.
Let’s hope that by then Covid and all restrictions will be behind us and we can organize a BME conference as we are used to.
Thank you for your patience and the entire organization committee wishes you good health and happiness and we hope to welcome you next year in Egmond aan Zee.
With best regards,
Prof. Natasha Maurits
On behalf of the BME organizers

Dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that I can announce the 9th Dutch Conference for Biomedical Engineering (, to be held on January 27 and 28, 2022.
This conference provides you the one and only opportunity to meet with a wide diversity of other scientists in the Netherlands working in the field. You are invited to present your latest work (which might already have been presented before at another conference), to give an overview of recent developments in the Dutch Biomedical community. The goal of the conference in 2022 is to get updated on the progress in the Dutch biomedical engineering community and to discuss new (funding) opportunities within the Netherlands to initiate new research. PhD students are especially encouraged to submit their work, or even their plans. Also in this edition we will provide ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations. For PhD students it is an opportunity to start building their own network with peer PhD students at other universities.
We will organize sessions covering the broad field of biomedical engineering, e.g. in cardiovascular modelling, image acquisition and processing, surgical instruments, tissue and cell engineering, neural modelling, robotics, telemedicine, biosensors, diagnostics and stimulation, bionanotechnology, data processing and visualization (
The field of Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly developing field, with many breakthroughs at the edge between medical and technical sciences. Therefore, medical scientist as well as engineering scientists are explicitly invited to this conference to discuss their latest insights and discoveries. Scientists from University Medical Centres as well as from the Technical universities will participate.
Please upload your abstract before the extended date November 4, 2021. All information can be found at: and at
I hope to meet you all at the 9th Dutch BME conference!
On behalf of the organization committee,
Natasha Maurits